Miscellaneous News

«Music With Moons» presented at the Bruckneruni in Linz

Introducing «Music With Moons» at the Sonic Lab concert hall | Photo: Andreas Weixler

On June 19 I was invited to present «Music With Moons» at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz

In the course of the Austrian Composers’s Week 2023 organized by the Austrian Composers’ Association my work was showcased at the Bruckneruni’s Sonic Lab, a great new concert hall opened in 2015 and dedicated particularly for performances of computer music. Prior to the event a call for scores was advertised and I feel very much obliged that Mr. Andreas Weixler, head of the Computer Music Studio (CMS) at the Bruckneruni who curated the programme, chose my work for a performance.

In the meantime I have uploaded the concert version of the piece — feel free to listen to the piece here. To start the piece, hover over the invisible play button below the title (which then will become visible) and click Play ►.

Here are some impressions of the presentation and the concert:

Photos: Andreas Weixler, Se-Lien Chuang.